Homechoir company report 2023
A summary of our activities in 2022-23
Missed the Homechoir Town Hall?
Click on the image below to watch on YouTube:
Agenda (also available with time stamps in the video description on YouTube):
What went well this year - subscribers, Zadok, Brass Band, Celebration Day, Deep Dives...
Becoming a non-profit company limited by guarantee
Homechoir in numbers - broadcasts, hours worked, donations
Homechoir expenses and rationale for the new company structure
Emma’s formal introduction as our third director, reasons to apply for funds
New sources of funding
Changes to the optimal donation routes
Growth of the YouTube channel, sponsorship, adverts
New types of content on the channel e.g. pre-edited films, community involvement
Sing & Send crowdfunding for Conor and team
Homechoir company policies: safeguarding, online safety, behaviour
Summary and thanks
Homechoir became a non-profit company limited by guarantee (CLG) in January 2023, and officially started trading in April 2023. The Homechoir YouTube channel and “Homechoir” trademark, hitherto owned by Ben England Music Ltd, are now owned by the Homechoir CLG.
In February 2023, we gathered some data about the performance of the channel over the previous 12 months. Here are presented the channel’s viewership, output, income and expenses, and working hours.
For more context, click here to see further explanation of these numbers, and what they mean for the future, at our Town Hall meeting on 29 June 2023.