
Sepulto Domino


The Choral Alphabet is a series that explores choral music by composers in alphabetical order. These rehearsals are free; be sure to subscribe to Homechoir on YouTube to learn more classical pieces, songs in multiple genres, and join in with the fun!

It's the last in the series with a beautiful piece by Zelenka, the “Czech Bach”!


Links to learning



(Also displayed on screen during the teaching session.)


YouTube teaching

This piece is taught in voice parts and is open to all skill levels. Your can watch the whole session, or start with your voice part then use the final link to jump to the sing through with all parts at the end!

Soprano rehearsal and sing through

Alto rehearsal and sing through

Tenor rehearsal and sing through

Bass rehearsal and sing through

Final sing through


If you are enjoying Homechoir’s Choral Alphabet, please consider supporting our work!

Click here to go to our donations page.

