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Fly Me To The Moon for Alzheimer's Society

Welcome to Homechoir’s summer recording project, Bart Howard’s beloved song Fly Me To The Moon!

If you have never taken part in a Homechoir Sing & Send before, we first recommend that you have a look at our instruction leaflets “How To Take Part”, and “How To Help Someone Else Take Part”.

This project has been funded by a member of Homechoir in memory of a loved one with Alzheimer’s, making participation free. Instead, we are welcoming donations to Alzheimer’s Society at our Just Giving page:

In this session, in Ben will teach everyone how to sing the melody and harmonies. It will be available to watch any time from its live broadcast at 2pm on Wednesday 26 June.

Click here to watch the teaching. If you make it live, consider saying “Hi” to everyone in the chat!

If you would prefer to skip all the harmony parts and record yourself singing purely the melody of the song - calling all the budding Franks! - you can practice singing along to the rehearsal track in our Dropbox before coming along to the recording session:

The recording session will be available to sing and record along to from 2pm on Wednesday 10 July. Click here to view the session live or later.

Scores are optional, and will be particularly helpful for those aiming to record one or more of the harmony parts.

Click the button to be taken to a short form and download your copy of Kirby Shaw’s very funky arrangement!

Next, send us your recording by following these steps:

  1. Name your digital sound file with your first and last name (or initial) e.g. FrankSinatra, FSinatra, FrankS.

  2. Check the file is in one of the following accepted formats: AAC, AIFF, MP3, M4A, WAV.

  3. Send your file to our Dropbox using the link corresponding to the voice part you recorded. If you recorded several different parts, for example you sang along with the melody as well as the alto part, please put each recording in its correct Dropbox.

The recording submission deadline has been extended to the end of Sunday 18 August. Our fantastic sound engineers will then mix all your recordings together to create a beautiful group performance in time for its premiere on World Alzheimer’s Day, Saturday 21 September 2024.

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12 April

Talk Club: Stop Crying Your Heart Out